The Real Life Stories-Entertainment & Fashion Trueality Show

The Real Life Entertainment & Fashion TRUEALITY Show
Soon you can find our trailers, plot highlights, and so much more.
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Creator/ Director/Producer
With the help of THE MOST HIGH– I endeavour to change the entertainment and fashion world forever by opening the doors for independent artists. I operate from the Undaground, and create my own legacy by advocating for domestic violence.
I have joined forces with some of the worlds' most prestigious talent to assist with the newest project, "The Real Life Stories-Entertainment & Fashion Trueality Show". A raw and uncut behind the scenes unscripted documentary of my life as s domestic violence survivor. A TV Film to educate others to learn the signs of an abuser, provide resources to help others escape domestic violence and don't be afraid to let go and start over!
To Inspire People to Give and Promote Self Sufficiency
I AM a conqueror of domestic violence proving to others 'there's life after abuse', while managing my three children, a certified paralegal, international booking agent that networks with national and world-wide celebrity artists, booking agent for musicians, actors/actresses, writers, assisting directors, helping the homeless, builds EPK's, etc., but remain a successful business woman and the CEO of Jazzundaground International, a grassroots non- profit organization. My goal is to have a TRUEALITY Show about The REAL LIFE STORIES in the ENTERTAINMENT & FASHION industry to encourage, uplift and assist the adults and youth in a creative way. By teaching people how to utilize their skills to help their community, I will be able to teach good morals and solid work ethics. Working closely with organizations that are geared to train others in order to accomplish goals is my vision. To help others stay focused, it's important to create a REAL LIFE TV Series Platform to teach them a trade, discipline and teamwork. To develop our youth to become entrepreneurs is FOREMOST!
Music is one of my passions which allow me to directly help and interact with at risk youths, developing their natural talent. VIRTUAL WORKSHOP MOVEMENT launching SOON! It is designed to engage at risk youths, improve literacy, bring awareness and most importantly, assist children who are affected by parent’s incarcerated, domestic violence and neglect. WE ENCOURAGE More diversity WHICH is represented WITH THE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP MOVEMENT. Our Virtual Movement Team involves Celebrity artists, featuring Hip Hop Legends, DJ Johnny Juice Rosado, KJ The ODDYSY, NY Times Best Seller Omar Tyree & NY Times Best Seller Gurmay Fraser, Cee Rock The Fury Anderson, COREYANTHONY INC, The Kim Cotton Show & The Paul Brown Show Access 21 TV & Grammy Nominee Maxwell Melvins (Lifers Group)! THERE is wealth in the exchange of experiences, DIVERSE AND CULTURES. It is recommended that special efforts be made to allow a wider variety of cultures ON AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM. These factors are added obstacles for urban youths and hinder their chances of reaching their fullest potential and succeeding in society.
Education in the traditional sense does not reach the youth most in need because they are not in school or are facing severe adversities. Still, educators are faced with the challenge of reaching students who are in school and ‘in the streets’. I have joined forces with grassroots, 501 (c) 3's, small business owners and international advocates to provide an innovative virtual platform to engage at-risk students in language arts, social studies, and group discussions to target the areas of concern. I also have an International business portal, uNDAGROUNDHYPE to reach inspiring artists worldwide: I have artistically camouflaged my way amongst others without being seen. Destined to change the world! Stay tuned for the REVEAL!

Lifer's Group/Die Jim Crow Records/ Senior Advisor
Maxwell Melvins is a product of one of the most brutal cities in the United States. Growing up the 15th and youngest of a large, by his own admission, dysfunctional family, Camden, New Jersey, was not a good place to be in the 1970s. Poverty, unemployment, drugs and violence were the realities of life on the streets in this desperately struggling, slowly decaying city. It might come as a shock to learn that Maxwell was a self-confessed heroin addict by the time he was 12 years old. Anyone living around the streets of North Camden in the 1970's will not be
surprised at all. Kids like that were a dime a dozen. It was simply normal to the young Melvins –most of the people around him had already been doomed to a life of addiction, and it was almost inevitable that his path would lead that way too. Drug dependency leads to a dead-end of despair, and Max's journey was depressingly predictable. In and out of institution after institution as his criminal acts escalated. Breaking and entering, theft, arson....Max Melvins did whatever he had to do to feed his addition. He wasn't violent – although he
would stand his ground if the situation called for it. He didn't see himself as a victim either– this was the only life he knew. This is how things were. No point questioning it. Eight years after becoming a heroin addict, Maxwell's wretched existence hit rock bottom when he
was jailed for murder in 1980. It wasn't an intentional act. It was that most mundane of circumstances: a drug deal went wrong, Max grabbed a gun and started shooting. One of the bullets hit a close childhood friend, ripped through his brain. An innocent bystander. Wrong place, wrong time.
In a scene of dark comedy, Max donned women's clothing to elude the police. He got away, trying to digest the horror of the fact that he's gunned down one of his best friends growing up. He knew he had to come home and face what he'd done. He turned himself in. The authorities disposed of him like the worthless trash he had become. They put Max away, and he'd stay inside for 30 years.
If they'd had the death penalty in New Jersey, Maxwell Melvins almost certainly wouldn't be here right now. Rahway. Trenton. Riverfront. Southwood. Bayside. Northern State. Bordentown. All high security prisons. Convicted murderer Maxwell Melvins became intimately acquainted with all of them. Each presented its own grim catalogue of horror stories. Survival became Melvins' mantra. One day at a
time. Same routine, different prison, ever-present threat of danger. A physical or emotional wrecking ball could come from anywhere, at any time. Same shit. Different day. Every day. But Maxwell Melvins didn't rot in jail. He changed. He grew up. He got clean. And he began to
channel his energies to positive ends. Max joined Lifer's Group, an organization founded in 1972 primarily for the support of long-term inmates. One of their outreach programs had also attracted international attention with the Scared Straight documentary, which sought to try and steer young offenders away from a life of crime by terrifying the crap out of them. Here, Melvins found the niche that would define his life inside. In the early 1990's he developed a new Lifer's Group project, utilizing his passion for music. Under his guidance, from inside the walls
of Rahway, Melvins produced two rap albums under the name of Lifer's Group. The rappers and many of the musicians were fellow inmates. The aim was to reach out to kids, in a manner in which they would understand, that prison, and a life of crime, was a one-way ticket to nowhere. Every artist who signed up for the project had to agree to this fundamental purpose. This was no ego trip.
This was music with a message, rap-style. It is impossible to quantify how many young lives changed direction through the tough love
dispensed by the rappers' efforts. But it wasn't just inspirational rap with a point to make. It was high quality music – and it was being made within the walls of a maximum security jail. This was a story in itself. Now the world's media was beating a path to Rahway's door, wanting to know more. And it wasn't just messed up young kids who were hearing the message. The Lifer's Group rappers were attracting attention from the music business too. And in April 1992, a letter arrived in Max's cell informing him that they were nominated for a Grammy, in a category alongside Billy Joel, Peter Gabriel, Madonna and Sinead O'Connor. Four of the biggest selling artists of the decade,
alongside a bunch of convicts. A storyline Hollywood would surely have turned down flat. Max has his invite but he had to decline – the State of New Jersey had other plans for him that night. So on the evening of the awards, the media came to him. News crews set up outside the jail, while Barbara Walters and the 20/20 team filmed Max and his crew inside. The rappers didn't win – Madonna beat them to the prize – but they still made history. No prisoners had ever been nominated for a Grammy. And probably never will again. Max was the driving force behind one of the most extraordinary tales in modern music history. The project over, Max's life returned to the mundane. He became eligible for parole. He said he wasn't ready. Not a unique response, but still very unusual. Max had developed self-awareness and
self-confidence over the decades. He knew he still had changes to make to his lifestyle. Everything had to be right.
When his time did come, he presented his case to the parole board with honesty and clarity. They didn't like what they heard. They wanted more groveling and scraping, more hand-wringing and tears of remorse. Max gave them the truth, straight down the line. About his crime, about himself, and why he was finally ready to take the next step in his life. Instead of granting him parole, the hearing board elected to tack another 10 years onto his original sentence. They enjoyed wielding the power they undoubtedly possessed. Melvins understood at a
deep level this was both wrong and unfair, and in another unprecedented move, he took the State of New Jersey to court over the issue. And he won his case. Maxwell Melvins earned his parole. Now free and living quietly in a New Jersey suburb, Melvins has still found life dealing him hard blows. Rear-ended in a car crash, he was in a bad way physically for some time. But now mentally tough and assured, there is no drifting back. He has focus now. He knows what he is trying to do. He's got a mission to inform and explain. His message is clear. He wants young people to understand the dangers of a life of drugs, guns and crime. And to take another path. Prison is not cool, exciting or glamorous. It is tedious, repetitive, violent and potentially lethal. It's an option with no positives. Maxwell Melvins is still in contact with the family of the young man he shot and killed during that drug-induced evening of madness. They have known him since he was a child. They know it was unintentional. They have forgiven him. They share a bond that in some way, the victim is still living on through the life of his utterly transformed assailant. But forgiveness is a luxury Maxwell Melvins denies himself. A pioneer in many ways; a successful executive producer of rap music with his own office inside one of the toughest jails in America; an advocate for helping young people make the right choices in their lives; a former inmate who understands the needs of long-term prisoners from the perspective of someone who has spent much of his adult life behind bars. Nobody has a story quite like it. The Maxwell Melvins of today is in many ways an inspiration. But he will not accept praise. He refuses to be called a role model. He is not a hero. He is not inspirational. He thinks of the young man he killed back in July 1980, one of his closest childhood friends, every day of his life. And no matter how much he has developed and matured as a man, he will never forgive himself for what he did. Even now, that's still a step too far. It always will be.

NY Times Best Seller Author, Film, Music, Commentary, Education
Model/Actress/Author/Motivational Speaker/Radio Personality
My name is La’Tasha Reaves, also known as Ladi Jon’Rea. I am a native of Columbia, SC and a recent graduate of Southeastern Institute where I was certified as massage therapist in addition to graduating Limestone College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration and Management. I have a desire to venture into the business sector. I also have a love for performing and the arts that still remain a part of my life. With her newly found career in modeling, I have had the opportunity to work with Mr. Charles Curtis in his premiere performance of “Nothing Happened” performing the role as the lead, Mrs. Trish Paul. I also was in web series called Success Lies and Betrayal written by Toya Etheridge, Business and Pleasure written by Derrick Holley of Dusthouse films and currently working on another movie “Karma #3”. My first debut performance was a successful and an entertaining treat for those that came to view this compelling show.
In addition to performing arts I have travelled to Maryland, DC to be a part of Madame Butterfly Fashion Show, DFE 4 th Annual Fashion & Music Affair in North Charleston, SC. My first Model Battle was hosted by Mentality of a Millionaire held in Goose Creek, SC, Blessed Beyond the Runway located in Greenville, SC, Fashion Fair Extravaganza in Florence, SC, and Fashion on the Lawn with Urban Spice Magazine in Georgia. I debuted in more than 5 magazines, Hair, Fashion, Lifestyle Magazine HD Encore magazine volume 11 released January 2015 and Crush Photography Magazine All Red Affair Edition released December 2014. I was featured in the Valentine’s Edition part two of the Crush magazine edition for 2015 and recently GoldStar magazine Leather Lace Dec 2018. I showcased in the Beautiful Your Tour in Manhattan, New York during NCAA weekend and Ce Ce La B Fashion Show March 28, 2015 along with Columbia HairWalk at the Airport August 17, 2015 and will be featured in various other shows in the upcoming months. I was also a part of the Designer Competition scheduled for 4/22-25, 2015 in Atlanta, GA.
I was scheduled to participate in the launch of N’Bodi Fashion Show on November 14, 2015 and was recently a participant of a model transformation project coming out in winter 2015. I am a brand ambassador for TrulyCharmedLife Fashion and owner of Uniquely U Jewels boutique. I auditioned to be a model for Crush Model Magazine and was chosen to be one of their models. I was featured in a web series entitled Success Lies and Betrayal (S.L.A.B) as the character Robin and pending another web series along with being featured in the new episode for 1Love Tv in February 2018. I am presently on the radio show “The Breakdown Radio Show” as Ladi J and have written two books. My first book was entitled "Empowered Defiance " and my very first self published book " Mirror Imperfections " are out and available for purchase. I am currently casted in few other movies and have a few other projects that are planned. I have aspirations of venturing into more genres of the fashion and modeling industry.
Documentary, Narrative Director, Producer, and Cinematographer
Born and raised in sunny San Diego, California, I picked up my first camera in middle school—sparking my ever-growing passion in film and digital storytelling.
I received my B.A. in Film & Media Studies at University of California, Berkeley in May of 2016. Throughout my time as an undergraduate student, I studied and specialized in film theory (documentary & scripted film), entrepreneurship, Middle Eastern politics, and Arabic. Over the course of my filmmaking career, I have been involved in a multitude of projects around the globe. I have worked closely with award-winning filmmakers Lucy Walker, Charles Ferguson, Katy Grannan, and Byron Hurt on documentary films for Sundance, Netflix, and PBS. With CNN, I assisted on over 20 documentary films in New York City, San Francisco, and Atlanta. I have also done film and journalism freelance work for Timeline, Apple, and Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). In addition to film, I have worked on the production and post-production of editorial photography shoots for publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, California Sunday Magazine, Smithsonian, and Document Journal.
With Outside the Lens, a nonprofit media literacy organization, and in collaboration with the UNHCR, NRC, and IRC, I facilitated photography empowerment workshops with young women in Syrian refugee camps in Jordan. In collaboration with the Mediteran Film Festival, I coordinated a cross-cultural high school film program in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I am a Co-Founder and Director of the film production company, Photogénie Films, LLC. Our work has been recognized through a number of accolades such as being a selected Commitment Maker for the Clinton Global Initiative in 2016, a finalist for Fast Company’s 2016 World Changing Ideas, and a finalist for the Red Bull Amaphiko Academy for Social Entrepreneurs. I have a strong desire to help amplify the voices often left unheard in mainstream media through film, photography, and entrepreneurship.